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About Us

A Place for All

About MPHA.

TheMalaysian Professional Hypnotherapy Association (MPHA) was founded by JulianLeicester in 2022 and his team of HRD Corp trained PCHCC Hypnotherapist. TheAssociation is a body for hypnotherapists in Malaysia.  MPHA is ultimately governed by the guidelinesand rulings of the Traditional  Complimentary Medicine T/CM Council Malaysia (TCMC) and the Malaysianlaws

Ourfounding principle is the ethical promotion of hypnotherapy as a profession inits own right, closely related to, but nonetheless separate from, the other‘talking therapies’ of counselling, psychotherapy and clinical psychology. MPHApromotes greater acceptance of hypnosis as a clinical tool with broad applications.Today, MPHA offers professional hypnosis training workshops (PCHCC),certification, and networking opportunities that can enhance both our members’professional and personal lives.  Our ultimate aim is that hypnotherapyshould become recognised and respected as a discrete and legitimate branch of psychologicalmedicine and that our registered practitioners should take their rightful placeas acknowledged professionals within it.

MPHAis unique among organizations for professionals using hypnosis and provides anopportunity to learn from and interact with colleagues in other health andmental health care disciplines. In MPHA we continue to co-operate whereverpossible with other relevant professional bodies and agencies. This allows fora cross-fertilization of ideas and applications within MPHA that meshes neatlywith current trends, such as mind-body health and integrative medicine.Regardless of whether you are a professional wanting to learn hypnosis, or apatient wanting help with a problem, take your time and enjoy the visit to oursite.


Our Aims

TheAssociation is an open transparent ethical and all-inclusive organization   The Association aims to support thedevelopment and growth of the practice of hypnotherapy in Malaysia. TheAssociation also aims to play the roles of being an effective advocate andenforcer for ethical practices of hypnotherapy to protect members and thepublic 


TheAssociation shall assess all the hypnotherapy programs and training in themarket and support and promote the programs and training based on its merits tothe scientific and evidence based development of hypnotherapy. 



Topromote and to increase awareness on the science and practice of hypnosis andhypnotherapy to the Malaysian public and to dispel myths about hypnosis 

Toprotect hypnosis hypnotherapy and all its adjunct modalities from unfoundedaccusations, false context and claims 

Toendorse and certify certificates and diplomas issued by hypnotherapistshypnotherapy trainers and training providers and educational institutes withthe highest standard of professionalism and ethics. 


Mission Statement

Toprovide and encourage hypnosis education programs to further, in every ethicalway, the knowledge, understanding, and application of hypnosis in health careand social application; to encourage research and scientific publication in thefield of hypnosis; to promote the further recognition and acceptance ofhypnosis as an important tool in clinical health care and focus for scientificresearch; to cooperate with other professional establishment that share mutualgoals, ethics and interests; and to provide a professional MPHA membershipcommunity for those Malaysian clinicians and researchers who use hypnosis intheir work.

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©2022 by Malaysian Professional Hypnotherapist Association.  Created by Antara Media

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